Which Exercise Equipment Burns The Most Calories? | Loving Fitness

Nov 5, 2021
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Whether you’re a newbie to exercise or a seasoned pro, knowing what exercise equipment will help you burn the most calories is definitely handy. It’s not just burning calories that exercise equipment helps with either. These machines also improve endurance and build muscle in the process. So, which equipment tops the chart? Not surprisingly, cardiovascular exercise machines are up there as the most effective solutions to your fitness goals. But let’s take a look at what burns the most to help you maximise your workout.


It’s no surprise that the top spot is one of the most popular cardio workout machines – the running machine or ‘treadmill’. This equipment can help you burn more calories per workout than other machines, depending on how you use it. For example, you could burn between 480 and 700 calories doing a 5mph jog for an hour (depending on weight and fitness level).

The beauty of this machine is that you control the level of intensity. So, pumping that incline into gear provides that extra burn. Or ramp up the speed to push the calorie-burn further.

Rowing machine

It’s often surprising just how much of a workout a rowing machine gives you. This equipment is a great calorie buster and works out your entire body as several muscle groups are used during exercise. Sweating it out on this equipment could burn up to 600 calories an hour depending on stroke rate, fitness levels and weight.

Best of all, this workout is low impact, so you’ll experience less stress on your joints, and you still reap the rewards in calorie burn.

Exercise bike

Whether spin is your thing or you just like a gentle cycle while watching Netflix – you’ll be pleased to hear that exercise bikes are among the top calorie-burners. This equipment is also one of the most popular at-home workouts as it’s so easy to fit into your lifestyle. The average person could burn around 250-300 calories in 30 minutes (again, depending on weight, intensity, speed and resistance).

But to get the most out of it, try interval bursts at varying intensities. This gets the blood pumping and gives your body that boost to keep burning calories even after you’ve finished working out. What’s not to love about that?

Cross trainer

Choosing a cross-trainer workout is a great way to shift those calories. A typical session could see you burn between 500 to 800 calories. Plus, to maximise this, higher speed workouts could see you shift more.

A cross trainer also has another benefit – moveable handles. This provides exercise for the arms and gives you that edge to power through. As with other machines, you have the option to change incline and resistance if you’re feeling energetic.

Get the best calorie-burning equipment at Loving Fitness

You don’t have to go to the gym to feel the burn. At Loving Fitness, we have all the top cardio equipment for home use – including running machines, exercise bikes, rowing machines and cross trainers Check out our range of fitness equipment and pick your favourite to fit your lifestyle.

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