Can I Use an Exercise Bike When Pregnant? | Loving Fitness

Nov 5, 2021
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A common question asked by women is ‘can I use an exercise bike or fitness equipment during pregnancy?’

As noted by the NHS, exercise is not dangerous for your baby. In contrast, there is evidence that the more active you are in pregnancy, the more it can help during the later stages, labour and postpartum. But while exercise is good for you, there are some things to consider to ensure you exercise safely and don’t overdo it.

The main advice from medical experts is not to exhaust yourself. If you’re into fitness already, keep going but adapt your workout. If you’re new to exercise, starting gradually will help improve your fitness levels so you can enjoy a host of benefits during your pregnancy. Read on as we take a closer look…

Using an exercise bike while pregnant

Cycling is a great cardio workout, and if you’re a keen cyclist, it is still fine to head out on your bike. The main issue with road cycling is safety. The UK’s Chief Medical Officers have also advised against ‘off-road cycling’. So, if you ever fancy hitting the tracks with your bump, it’s probably best avoided.

Fortunately, whether you’re a regular cyclist or not, using an exercise bike for a workout is generally considered safe. Adjusting the resistance and going at your own speed gives you greater flexibility and control during your workout.

If you’re very new to aerobic exercise such as cycling, the advice is, begin with no more than 15 minutes of continuous exercise around three times a week. This can be increased gradually but only when you feel ready. Plus, always remember to warm up and cool down to avoid injury.

The benefits of exercising while pregnant

There are tons of benefits of exercising during pregnancy. These include:

  • Reduced blood pressure
  • Reduced the risk of diabetes
  • Help adapting to your changing body
  • Maintaining a healthy weight throughout pregnancy
  • Improved overall fitness
  • Improved mood and wellbeing
  • Aiding sleep
  • Improving your body’s ability to cope with labour and postpartum recovery
  • Reduced back pain, swelling and varicose veins

Exercise safely at home with Loving Fitness

A great way to fit moderate exercise into your routine is by buying or hiring an exercise bike to use at home. This means you don’t have to venture to the gym or rely on the weather to get some time on the bike. It’s ready to go when you feel like exercising. Plus, if you’re hiring fitness equipment, you can hand it back when you no longer need it. It’s the perfect hassle-free way to work out while you’re pregnant.

Exercise is safe for most people during pregnancy. However, if you have existing health problems or concerns, consult your GP or midwife before starting or continuing your fitness journey. To find out more, check out the NCT website.

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